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                                   PEOPLE’S EMOTIONAL ENERGY

                                 Judith Orloff MD is a psychiatrist, intuitive healer, and NY Times bestselling author. The following is an excerpt
                                 from Judith Orloff’s book The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your life. Other
                                 bestsellers are Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Intuitive Healing. Dr. Orloff synthesizes
                                 the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Visit www.

            Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the   To help with this surrender, here’s what to do. When iden-
            “vibe” we give off. We register these with intuition.   tifying  how  you  energetically  respond to others  always  ask,
            Some people feel good to be around; they improve  How  does my  body feel?  Does my  energy  go up or down?
            your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you in-  Then follow your body’s lead rather than resisting it. In prac-
            stinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be  tical  terms this  means:  you  want  to  marry  someone  who  in-
            felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Indig-  creases  your energy  not  drains  it,  regardless  of how  perfect
            enous cultures honor this energy as life force. In Chinese medi-  he  or  she looks  on paper. You want  to sit beside  a coworker
            cine it‘s called chi, a vitality that‘s essential to health. Though  who’s positive, not negative. You want to choose friends you
            the molecular structure of subtle energy isn’t fully defined, sci-  resonate  with  so that  you can  nurture  each  other.  Then  no-
            entists have measured increased photon emissions and electro-  tice  the  positive  difference  in  your  life.  To  experience  the
            magnetic readings about healers who emit it during their work.  pleasure  of  compatible  relationships,  use  the  following tips.

            Emotional energy is contagious. It can make the difference   STRATEGIES TO READ EMOTIONAL ENERGY
            between a toxic and healthy relationship. It’s crucial to get
            a clear read on this aspect of anyone you plan to regularly   1.  SENSE  PEOPLE’S PRESENCE – This is the overall ener-
            interact with. Then, you can decide whether a relationship is   gy we emit,  not necessarily  congruent  with  words  or  behav-
            feasible based on your energetic compatibility. You don’t have   ior. It‘s  the  emotional  atmosphere  surrounding us like  a rain
            to force a fit when the energy feels right. Forcing anything is   cloud or the  sun.  For instance,  they  may  give off an  aura  of
            simply the mind’s attempt to interfere with flow.    mystery, joy, or  sadness.  To compare extremes,  think  of  the
                                                                 Dalai  Lama‘s light,  compassionate  presence  versus  Charles
            When  reading  emotions,  realize  that  what  others  say  or  Manson’s deranged darkness. Presence is also associated with
            how they  appear  frequently  don‘t  match  their  energy.  You  charisma, a personal magnetism that you‘re drawn to. Warn-
            must let go  of  the  notion that what  you see is what  you al-  ing:  charisma  doesn’t  always  contain  heart,  something  to
            ways get. As a psychiatrist,  I’ve  observed how people  go  to  beware of. Charisma without heart can’t be trusted. It’s a dan-
            great  lengths,  purposely  or not,  to appear  in  certain  ways—  gerous combination present in many con artists and seducers.
            either  to impress, say  the  right  thing,  or sell  you  on some-
            thing—but  this  “self”  isn’t  aligned  with  their  true  emotions.  As you read  people  notice:  does their  overall energy  feel
                                                                 warm?  Calming?  Uplifting?  Invigorating  like  a  breath  of fresh
            Consider  these  examples:  your spouse  apologizes for  blow-  air?  Or is  it  draining?  Cold?  Detached?  Angry?  Jarring?  De-
            ing up but her hostility still lingers. A man you just met tries  pressed? Do they  have  a friendly presence  that  attracts
            to charm you, but you don’t feel much heart there. A friend  you?  Or  are  you  getting  the  willies,  making  you  back  off.
            seems cheerful  but  you sense  that  she’s hurting  inside.
                                                                 2.  WATCH  PEOPLE’S EYES.  Our eyes  transmit  powerful
            Realize: just because people smile doesn’t mean they’re happy.  energies. Just as the brain has an electromagnetic signal ex-
            Or just because people are reserved, doesn’t mean they’re not  tending beyond the body, studies indicate that the eyes proj-
            ecstatic. Ultimately, the energy transmitted by someone’s smile  ect  this  too. In  fact,  research  reveals  that  people  can  sense
            and  presence  tells the  truth  about  where  they’re  at.  So, be  when they‘re being stared at, even when no one is in sight—an
            smart enough to correlate a person’s energy with their emotions.  experience  reported  by  police  officers,  soldiers  and  hunters.
            Most people aren’t being intentionally misleading—often they  Indigenous  cultures  respect  the  energy  of the  eyes.  Science
            don‘t know what they feel or project. They might tell you one  has documented “the look of love.” Joining eyes with a loved
            thing—and believe it—but you’ll learn to decode their emotions.  one  (or dog!) triggers a  biochemical  response,  releasing  oxy-
                                                                 tocin, the warm and fuzzy “love hormone.” The more oxyto-
            Surrender:  Here,  the  surrender  to focus on is saying  “yes”  cin your brain has, the more trusting and peaceful you’ll feel.
            to the  messages  your body sends.  Your mind  may want  to
            talk you out of your body’s wisdom. Don’t allow it to. Read-
            ing energy lets you attune to how you relate to people, who
            you feel comfortable around and who you don’t. To avoid bad
            relationships  and  regrets, you must  let  go  of  trying  to con-     ...continued on page 29
            vince yourself of anything the body’s intuition doesn’t affirm.

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