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Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
                                                                              Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
                                                                           Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
                                                                            954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
                                                                             Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice

                               Nanea Hoffman is the founder of Sweatpants
                               & Coffee. She writes, she makes things and
                               she believes in love, peace, joy, comfort,
                               sweatpants and caffeinated beverages.   Serving the Jacksonville Alternative & Spiritual communities since 1994.
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                                                                                                 1951 Stimson Street
            There are people in your life who only like you when   Hours of Operation          Jacksonville, FL 32210
            you are shiny and happy. They’re there to celebrate your   Wednesday -- Sunday   (904) 389-3690
            triumphs. They love it when you’re grateful and full of joy.   10 AM to 6 PM
            They want to be around you and your positive energy, and   Closed Monday & Tuesday
            yes, even your willingness (like you have a choice) to bear
            adversity. How brave you are! So inspiring. You GOT this. You
            are a badass. A warrior.

            When you’re not so shiny and not that happy – in fact, maybe   Often, Cheerleaders are speaking from a place of physical or
            you’re actively unhappy, they want to cram you back into   mental health privilege. Not always, but lots of times. They
            your happy-suit. It’s like they can’t help themselves. In my   are totally sincere in their conviction that you can will yourself
            experience, they come in five well-meaning flavors:  better. You just need to be willing to put in the effort. The
                                                                 implication is, you could do it if really wanted to.
            Your pain is painful for them, probably. Or it triggers something  3. AND THEN THERE ARE THE PROJECTORS.
            yucky in them that they don’t want to confront. They want   They know exactly what you’re feeling because they’ve been
            it to go away. They have a bucketful of suggestions that you   there, or so they think. They know you because they ARE you.
            may not have thought of. Have you tried changing your diet?   And if they did it, you can do it. Did they ever tell you about
            Ingesting turmeric? Herbal tea? Green smoothies? Meditation?   the time they went through ____ and overcame it by ____?
            This new Rachel Hollis book, “Girl, Wash Your Trauma?” How   You should do that. They can totally relate, and they’ll prove
            about this other medication? Going off of the medication   it by recounting their own experiences ad nauseam while you
            you’re taking? Exercise? Affirmations? A Himalayan salt lamp?   wonder what in the heck this has to do with you.
            Vitamin supplements? Essential oils? Therapy? Prayer? Enemas?
                                                                 Projectors see the world through the lens of their own experi-
            It’s not that these suggestions aren’t helpful, or at the very   ences and can only express sympathy by connecting it back to
            least relatively harmless. Maybe you’ve tried them. (Though   themselves. They don’t usually realize that what they’re
            for glob sakes, do NOT go off or start new meds without talking  actually doing is called erasure. At some point, your pain
            to a doctor. Or supplements, which aren’t regulated by the   moves to the back row while their story (it’s a good one, listen
            FDA, may contain ingredients you don’t know about, and could  to this) takes center stage. There’s a lesson in there for you, if
            interact with your medicines.) The problem is the implied   you just pay attention.
            idea that a “fix” exists, and you just haven’t found it, yet.
            You aren’t looking hard enough.                      4. NEXT UP, THE CAJOLERS.
                                                                 They just want to make you happy. “Make” being the opera-
            2. NEXT ARE THE CHEERLEADERS.                        tive word. Don’t you know all the things you have to be happy
            They just KNOW that you can do it! All you have to do is think   about? Here’s a list. You are so #blessed. There’s no reason for
            positive. Believe in yourself! Reject defeat! Don’t dwell on   you to be sad or tired or frustrated when so much goodness ex-
            your pain – that’s self-indulgent. It’s all about willpower. Have   ists. Still not working? They’ll try to make you laugh, because
            faith! It’s going to be all right. You see it, you like it, you want   if you do, that means you’re better.
            it, you got it. Wait, sorry, that’s Ariana Grande.
                                                                                      ...continued on page 28...

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