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Flavia Kate Peters is known as The Faery Seer, and is a hereditary witch. A popular mystic, Flavia Kate teaches others how
to affiliate and work with the elemental realm in conjunction with the elements, seasons and candle and herb magic. ww- Free 200 page ebook
If you need your finances healed, or a flow of abun- We can do the same, if we follow their example.
dance in your life, fairies are often happy to assist.
When you were younger, how often were you chastised by an
They are wonderful teachers, for all they do to bring some- elder for sharing dreams and visions from your imagination?
thing into reality is to imagine what they want and it is cre- When you were told, ‘Oh, it’s just in your imagination,’ how
ated for them in an instant. did you feel? We know ourselves how real our imagination can
be. It wasn’t given to us by our Creator just for looking at
I was given this information during a Fairy Reiki healing ses- pictures in our minds when we are bored.
sion. As I was working with my client, a mermaid showed up
in my mind’s eye. Her presence told me that my client needed No! Our imagination is the portal to the Otherworld, to the
work on an emotional issue, as mermaids are connected to the fairy realm. It is through our imagination that we truly connect
element of Water. I then saw the mermaid visualizing plants with fairies.
in the ocean as already fully grown and whole, before they’d
actually physically manifested. I realized that this was how the Whatever we see in our imagination can be instantly accessed
fairies lived, worked and brought about all that they desired. by the fairies, for our thoughts are seen in the Otherworld. So,
know that this form of connection can be as strong and as real
as you wish. Just be mindful about what you are visualizing!
C. Greens Haunted History
Museum in Cassadaga ...continued to page 28...
Alternative Choices Natural,
Organic Dried Herbs and Spices,
Essential Oils And More
Your Health Matters To Us!
A Branch of Leaves & Roots
460 N. Ronald Reagan Blvd 321-422-0815
Longwood, FL 32750
Next door to
Purple Rose Trading Co. Rev. Tina, Owner Explore the Psychic
and Spiritual
1079 Stevens Street (386) 228-3315 Universe with us!
Cassadaga, FL 32706
Photos and documents on the history of Cassadaga. speakers, healers,
Also Bigfoot, Area 51, The Winchester Mystery house, teachers, more.
Native Americans, vintage quack medical equipment Psychic fairs.
and all kinds of bizarre and macabre displays We meet in the Band
321-474-7348 Room behind the
Friday 12-6pm Sat 10-7pm Sun 12-6pm Email Melbourne Auditorium
at 1924 Melody Lane, $3 fee SUNDAYS 7 - 8:45pm Melbourne, FL 32901
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