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Herb Corner
Cecelia Avitabile of The Herb Corner and Learning Center in
Melbourne FL is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters
of Herbalism degree and over 20 years of herbal experience. A
member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the
American Herbalist Guild. Visit 321-757-7522
Soothing Your Cough with Herbs
Coughing is a reflex of the respiratory system needed
for cleansing the airways of unwanted matter,
Take Control of Your Health With bacteria, viruses, microbes or excess fluid. Symptoms of
coughs vary. You may experience a dry hacking cough, a tickle,
Herbs - Mankind’s Oldest Medicine a cough with thick mucus and phlegm or a barking cough that
Herbs have been used as a standard practice leads to shortness of breath. Bacteria fungus and viruses are the
of complementary health-care for thousands of most common causes of coughs; but they can also be caused
years. History has accumulated a vast knowledge by postnasal drip, allergies, asthma, congestive heart failure,
of healing with plants providing us with a huge vari- fibrosis, inflammation of the pleural membranes, tumors,
ety of healing options. blood clots or inhaled irritants (paint fumes, smoke, household
There are over 750,000 plants on the planet cleaners). Since the lungs require moisture for their health and
Earth and they all contain chemical compounds maintenance, staying hydrated is key for their health. Using
that can be converted into hormones, vitamins and a humidifier can help thin mucus secretions which reduces
minerals that address the root cause of the condi- irritation of the airways making the cough more productive.
tion, not just the symptoms. They work like preci- Herbs help you specifically address the causes and symptoms
sion instruments providing over-all support for the of your cough. Expectorant herbs help produce a more
productive cough loosening phlegm; reducing tightness in the
body. The Herb Corner carries all your herbal needs chest. This would be herbs like Mullein, Hyssop, Horehound,
and all herbs are 100% organic.
Anise, Elecampane and Fenugreek; this herb also has astringent
Master Herbalist & Certified Nutritional Consultant on Staff properties, which can dry up postnasal drip and liquefy phlegm.
Antitussive or Cough-suppressant herbs are useful when the cough
has become exhausting and you need to get some rest. They work
We Sell More Than Just Herbs! by reducing the irritations of the mucus membranes quieting
the cough reflex. This would be herbs like Coltsfoot, Grindelia,
Unique Jewelry- Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Elecampane, Wild Cherry, Ginger or Licorice; which contains
Earrings, , Raw and Tumbled Gemstones, constituents similar to codeine used in many cough medications.
Gemstone Animals, Eggs & Spheres, Salt Lamps in Antiseptic, Antimicrobial, Antiviral and Antibacterial herbs such
various sizes and shapes, Sage, Candles, multi- as Thyme, Garlic, Elderberry, Peppermint, Anise, Elecampane
colored LED lightboxes,, Lip Balms, and Eucalyptus work by inhibiting the growth the organisms
Headache Sticks, Bar & Liquid that are causing the cough. Demulcent herbs in the respiratory
Soaps, Salves, food-grade Essential system contain mucilaginous properties. They create a
Oils, Unique Tea Diffusers, Tea Pots protective coating on the mucus membrane lessening irritations
& Oriental Mugs, Herbal Tumblers caused by coughing. Herbs in this category would be Slippery
Elm, Marshmallow, Licorice, Osha, Wild Cherry or Plantain.
and much, much more!!!
Herbs like Grindelia, Elecampane, Yerba Santa, Slippery Elm,
Specializing In All Natural Products Astragalus and Mullein; Support and Tone the over-all health of
the respiratory system providing extra strength to the lungs.
The Herb Corner They also provide needed nutrients to maintain the serous
fluids of the lungs these help lubricate and reduce friction from
the movements the lungs. And herbs with Warming properties
and Learning Center such as Ginger, Cinnamon, Elecampane, Cayenne, Horseradish
and Turmeric help loosen cold, thick phlegm that gets stuck in
Hours: Wed-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 11-3 the respiratory passages; when they warm, the body thins and
liquefies mucus so it can be coughed up easier.
277 N. Babcock St., Melbourne * 321-757-7522 If you are trying to avoid the use of medications, blending some
of these herbs together can be very helpful in addressing your cough. You may also want to consider herbs with Antihistamines,
Detoxifying, Cleansing or Circulatory properties to more
specifically meet your needs.
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