Page 29 - 1217Issue
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This month’s thoughts YOU’RE NOW CONNECTED TO SOURCE
about things... When they installed my new modem, he asked what I wanted
to name the network. I was not feeling creative so I said
“I want to look back on my life and be giddy with Source. Now everytime I turn my phone on it tells me You're
joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
Now Connected To Source. It made me laugh out loud.
... from page 7 ..
I joined a Facebook Doreen Virtue Group and after reading
YOU ARE DISCONNECTED FROM THE NETWORK some posts, I asked for clarification, "So this group is about
wanting refunds for Doreen Virtue products and discussing
Last month my wifi kept dropping even though my modem dissatisfaction about it? I wish you good luck. When you go
and Spectrum/Brighthouse showed I was online and con- within and ask your angels, what guidance do you receive?"
nected. After they’d been out 3 times, I told them to swap
out my modem (bought 9 months ealier) with theirs to see I was asking an honest question because when there is a group
if that corrected the problem. Wi-fi was out again 6 hours of people who talk about following their guidance, I'm inter-
later. They finally came and checked and saw there was a ested in how they use that in specific situations -- like whatever
problem at the pole behind the house that affected me and they are unhappy about. I got instantly attacked. The group
the house behind me. admin wrote, "You sent me a friend request and my angels told
me your reason was to spy on people who were seeking justice
THEY FIND THE PROBLEM, CAN'T GET TO THE POLE against DV's corrupt ways."
So, the 4th time Spectrum came out ait was at 9pm but Corrupt ways? WTF? I asked to join because a Facebook friend
he couldn't get his equipment in due to the patch of woods mentioned there was controversy and I wondered how group
around the pole. He said he's got wi-fi turned on for every- members were using their guidance to work thru it. That's one
one in the area except a small group of us here because he reason I publish Horizons Magazine the last 20+ years, because
cannot get to the pole that is two lots to the west of us. those things are of interest to me. I know that one person tell-
ing how they work something out can help someone else with
I showed him the secret path from my lot down to the west the same issue work their own stuff out.
pole but it had become overgrown in the last 6 months and
not easy to see in the dark with our headlamps. He said we Now I see that it's a boycott
have to come back in the morning. I told him if they come group. My mistake for not
through my way they're only going to have about 20 ft of reading enough of the com-
brush to cut, if they go the other way they've got 60-80 feet. ments to see that before com-
menting. From their descrip-
I told him at daylight I’d make sure the trail was clear so tion of the group, I thought it
they could get from one telephone pole to the other to fix it might be a fit for me but it was
simply a place I did not belong.
Still, I wanted to be fair and
So it first light I took the big pruners out and widened the share the group admin’s version of the story, which I did in a
path and cut the vines so it's an obvious trail in. About 9am blog post, removing all her promotional info. The next day, she
I hear machinery behind me and realize it’s Spectrum saw- sent me a sample copyright-take-down letter she got off the
ing through the overgrowth 2 lots behind me to get to the internet that had zero legal relevance to what happened. Basi-
pole. I told the tech last night that from my yard was the cally she only wanted her info published if her promotional links
easy way in. When I heard a break in the sawing I hollered were included.
across from them that my way was the easier way to come
in. Someone said “let's just keep going this way.” Whoever There was no copyright infringement but I took it down 2 hours
gets up on the pole is going to look down and see it's a after it went up. It's never worth hassling with folks like this.
straight clear trail from that pole to the next had they come Five days later she's still emailing me. From where I see it,
in through my backyard. Men! those in the group paid dollars to be associated with the Doreen
Virtue name for business and now have changed their mind
I CAN’T CARE IF SOMEONE DOESN’T WANT since DV has taken another path. Don't depend on someone
TO TAKE THE TRAIL I BLAZED FOR THEM else's name to create your income for you, whoever you put
on that pedestal topples. If you think you topple as well,
It's funny I get all excited about how I can finally literally then you do. Learn to balance so you don't topple that eas-
cut a path and blaze a trail for somebody who's asking for ily.
my help and they are depending on my prior experience of
knowing something to get them where they want to go easily Enjoy our offering this month. Andrea
and efficiently. Then they ignore me LOL Hari Om.
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