Page 26 - 1217Issue
P. 26

ABRAHAM-HICKS                         So, if you are selfish enough to care about that, then you have
                                                                 so much to give to your children and others. But if instead
                                                                 you get sideways in your understanding of this and you hear
                                                                 that you are supposed to serve others, which means you're not
                                                                 tending to what your guidance is telling you, instead you're su-
                                 ...continued from page 9        perimposing what you think someone else needs or wants from
                                                                 you. So you are serving them. You're staying up later than you
                                                                 really want to, or that really feels good to you. And so, you are
            Decide who you really are! Am I source energy, or one who   giving everything that you've got. You're giving until you are
            allows others to deprive them of source energy?      pinched off from the replenishment, and then, even though
                                                                 you're there, you're not tuned in, tapped in, turned on. You're
            Imagine a village of people limping around. You are bright and   not giving even anything close to the best of yourself. In your
            shiny and new and strong. You wonder why they are limping,   attempt to be all things to all people, or even a lot of things to
            and you start limping. When you are excited about your life,   some people, what happens is, you get crossways of your own
            you are not noticing they are limping, and you stay strong, and  guidance system.
            another stops limping. Most people let their vibration be about
            what they are observing. But ultimately, how you feel and how  We're going to say something really bold to you. If your pri-
            you want to feel dictates what you see. I can’t notice what’s   mary intention is in service of others - and we're not saying
            going on here, or in time, I will start limping, too.   'don't help others, don't uplift others, don't serve others' - we
                                                                 are saying you must replenish yourself first or you have nothing
            “We know it just sounds crazy, but you really have to adopt   to serve them with. Since that replenishment factor is es-
            the attitude that what the other person is doing in the   sential to any advantage you offer to anyone, we want to say
            relationship... is irrelevant... because if you make what they   that when you put others first, it backfires 100% of the time.
            are doing relevant and it upsets your vibration so that you   Because when that becomes your habit, when that becomes
            don’t stay true to your own desire, then - if you’re not holding  your attitude, when that becomes your behaviour, when that
            a stable signal - you can’t get from this person, or anyone else,  becomes your practised way of living, then you begin to feel
            what you want...                                     resentful, because no-one can reflect back to you enough
                                                                 appreciation to make up for what you are missing in the not al-
            Most of you offer most of your vibration in response to what   lowing yourself alignment with Who You Really Are. You cannot
            you are observing... well, there is nothing that you observe   use something that's outside of you and something that's inside
            more than the other people in your life experience. It is so   of you as guidance at the same time.
            easy to make somebody else responsible for how you feel...
            because they are right there just rubbing it in all the time,   When your intention is the relationship between you and
            aren’t they?                                         you, and you get good at reviving yourself, good at finding
                                                                 the subtle stages of it, good at staying tuned in before the
            And so, you will do yourself a big favor when you reach the   momentum takes you too far from it, then, oh then, your tim-
            place that you accept that nobody is doing anything to you...   ing's right, the things you say are just right, your playfulness
            because nobody can offer a vibration for you... only you. And   is right, everything about you is good, you are the uplifter you
            we know, they influence you, they are there, and they behave   were born to be.
            in ways that you would like them to be different, but you just
            cannot get around the fact that your vibration equals your    THE JOURNEY ALONG THE WAY
            resistance, and that is reason everything places out the way
            that it does.                                        The subject of creation in the minds of most of you is, "I
            And you know what else? We really appreciate on your behalf   will follow this process," or "I will accomplish this," or "I will
            - you don’t like it that much, we know - but we really like it   perform this," or "I will do this," for some outcome. And ev-
            when others mess with you... We really like it when there is a   erything that we're talking about, what we really want you to
            stubborn person in your life who will not behave the way you   understand, is that all of those outcomes, all of those things
            need them to in order for you to feel good... because only a   that you think are at the end of your journey, so to speak, are
            person like that will free you from the madness of trying to   really about inspiring you to the journey. It's the emotion that
            get other people to change their ways so that you can feel   you feel within it that it has all been about.
            better... because it fosters a weakness in you. everybody is
            running around looking for the perfect person who does not   If you can hear this, then you're going to have it relative to all
            even exist.”                                         subjects: It's the emotional content, it's the feeling that you're
                                                                 going for. It feels like the reason that I would be employed at
                           SERVING OTHERS                        this place is in order to accomplish this, to be the best accoun-
                                                                 tant, or to be the best web designer, or to be the best photog-
            Since alignment is the restorative factor of Who You Are, it re-  rapher or the best actor. And, of course, all of those outcomes
            stores your clarity, it restores your abundance, it restores your   are wonderful. We like it when you get your job in place, we
            vitality. It's restorative, it's regenerative, it's the replenishment  like it when you produce money. It's a wonderful thing when
            of Who You Are.
                                                                                      continued on page 27...

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