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                                                                 Last month I breathed a deep sigh of relief.  I learned he was
                                  THOUGHTS                       in custody again. A family member reported him missing,
                                                                 alerting the authorities that he’d not met a deadline for regis-
                                                                 tration. Sex offenders must register a change of address with-
                                      ABOUT                      in 48 hours. He moved months ago and never changed his ad-
                                                                 dress. I helped him after his last incarceration and stressed
                                    THINGS...                    that if he does nothing else in his life, he has to stay reg-
                                                                 istered or he’ll go back to prison, that his main job for the
                                                                 rest of his life is to stay legal. He had other priorities.
                                 “In the company of one who is living   FOR PEACE OF MIND, YOU HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE.
            Andrea de Michaelis  Love, you can’t help but spring into   How can I say I'm 100% responsible for what I attract into
                                 that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
             Publisher in 2016                                   my life? Because I am 100% responsible for the thoughts I
                                                                 choose to continue to focus upon, and continuing a line of
            HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE NOVEMBER 2018               thought is what leads me to choices which determine my
            HORIZONS MAGAZINE.  Finally the temps have dropped   life experiences.
            and it’s cooler in the early mornings. Something about the
            crisp cool air makes me want to get moving and be outside   No one should have to live in fear in their own home. But I
            in it. I used to spend a lot more time in my yard, walking the   was the one making it a prison by the thoughts I chose to think
            trails, sitting at the firepit. Then I let myself get derailed for a   and the fears I allowed to surface and gave attention to. I
            few years when a troubled friend began showing up uninvited.   wasn't aware I still held so much tension in my mind and body
            A former neighbor, he knew my habit of meandering in my   about it. When I learned he'd been picked up and was being
            woods at all hours. He doesn’t recognize boundaries, so he’d   held without bond, I felt a giant energy whoosh relaxing me.
            walk right in and not say anything until I saw him. Uncool.   Then I took a 12 hour nap and I woke up with more energy
                                                                 than I’ve had in a long time. I immediately went outside into
            Then he moved a mile away and I’d see him walking Emerson   the cool air and wandered the property in the dark for a long
            Road 3 blocks over, looking buzzed. Each time, I’d stay inside   while, celebrating my newfound freedom.
            for a few days after, just in case. It became habit to stop
            hanging in the yard, not knowing when he’d show up or was
            even there, unseen. Whenever I went outside I'd wonder if he
            was lurking like the old days. I got used to living back inside
            the house and missed the joy of being outside at all hours. A                ...continued on page 27...
            self imposed exile since I couldn't get it out of my thoughts.

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