Page 21 - 11-18-Issue redo (1)
P. 21
DON’T FUEL IT, Begin to start adding some healthy routines into your day this
COOL IT will train your brain into predictability and stability, both help
with anxious over thinking by giving us a sense of structure.
Food is mood. So eat and drink healthy (no caffeine or alco-
...continued from page 13...
The more we say no to it the longer it will stay around. Ac- Most importantly, stop thinking and talking about anxiety! The
cept the feelings and don't follow your thoughts. Let them more we focus on anything, the more it appears! Where atten-
come then let them go. tion goes energy flows. We have created a habit of worrying,
and anxiety is at the top of our life list. We have what's call a
8: Keep busy. Move on from what is happening, notice the reticular activating system, this is like our built in GPS, it's a
feelings, be aware of them, even be curious of them, but matchmaker, matching up what it thinks is most important to
don't react to what is happening, try not to get to involved us, these thought processes can become like scars in our neu-
with feelings of frustration or anger, don't resemble or be- ral network of thinking. Our self fulfilling prophecies....
come them, just carry on doing things as best you can and
keep busy. It's not about trying to control our thoughts, it's about work-
ing on our responses that come after the thoughts, that's our
9: Smile. This will send serotonin and dopamine into your response-ability. It's about reprogramming and rewiring our
body helping to dilute the unwanted chemical activating our cognitive circuitry, patterns of thought, habits of thinking to
reward response and giving us a happy feeling. This is one of respond healthier. Nothing has a real meaning to us until we
our oldest responses, right back to when we were a baby and give it one.
we received and returned our first smile(Attachment). Also, if
you can think about being cuddled by someone with a lot of All the above is about desensitizing your nervous system and
love, this will secrete the chemical DHEA , which is another getting back to a regular way of coping with life's ups and
great one for feeling good. downs. Start putting some quality time into educating yourself
about you. If we can name it we can tame it.It's your story,
10: When you feel ready to move your body, move, move your mind, your life. Give yourself back the choice to choose
and move some more. Keep moving, jump up and down, to change your story to a more helpful and healthier one. If we
dance, shake around. Moving will help to dilute the fight change our mind we change our lives.
flight and freeze chemicals sooner dispersing them and bring-
ing your brain and body back to a feeling of safety. The chase
is over.....
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