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                              Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; the Essential
                              Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing; the Crystal Intentions Oracle; Masters, Mystics, Saints, and Gemstone
                              Guardians Cards and more. She is a spiritual entrepreneur, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — a
                              bookstore, in southeast Florida.  Find out more about Margaret Ann at; www.TheCrystal-
                    ; and or email at

                                          BE A CONDUIT OF GRATITUDE AND BLESSINGS:
                                                    COPPER AND ARCHANGEL URIEL

            Every day is a good time to clear your channel and allow   Copper lightens up your conscious-
            wisdom to flow through you. Copper, a conduit for good-  ness and can assist you when you need
            ness, prosperity, and love, is a metallic element usually   mental clarity. Use this metal to help
            found in rounded masses without crystal form. The en-  you think clearly, stay focused on the
            ergy of this metal is perfect for the month of November   task at hand, and remember what you
            because is aligned astrologically with the zodiac sign of   are doing. The thermal and electri-
            Scorpio.                                         cal conductive qualities of copper
                                                             increases your ability to tap into the
            The metallic shine from copper is a perfect match to call   cosmos to garner wisdom, knowledge,
            on Archangel Uriel, an archangel with the vibration of   and surprising information that can
            peace, illumination, and great prosperity. Inner peace   be applied to increasing your income.
            is found within the center of your consciousness. Cop-  Use copper with the intention that
            per carries the vibration of the colors blue and green   you will use the inspired thoughts to
            which lends energy toward calmness and inner peace. It   be a money magnet.  Gratitude is a
            is responsible for the blue and green coloring of copper   key to success in all areas of your life. Copper can be used to help
            sulfides such as chalcopyrite and peacock copper, copper   you recall all the reasons that you are grateful. Have gratitude for
            carbonates such malachite and azurite. Experiment with   what is and also for all the blessings still yet to come.
            copper during meditation. Make an intention that you
            want to be a conduit of peace.
             Affirmation: I am a conduit for goodness, prosperity, and love. I am open to receive inspiration, wealth, and good health.

                                                                                               From the
                                                                                               creator of
                                                                                               in Spray

                                  STAY CALM & RELAXED

                          Euphoria                         Evergreen                       Orange
                          Spray this to reduce             Spray                           Blossom Mist
                          the challenges of                Spray this forest               Spray this citrus scent
                          anxiety, stress                  fresh scent to release          to bring joy and peace.
                          and fear.                        negativity and
                                                           emotional upsets.

                 2610 N. Federal Highway
                 2610 N. Federal Highway
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                 2610 N. Federal Highway
                 2610 N. Federal Highway
                 2610 N. Federal Highway
                 2610 N. Federal Highway
                 2610 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •, Boynton Beach, FL 33435
                 2610 N. Federal Highway
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