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To welcome                                             2401 N. Harbor City Blvd
                               all people                                                       Melbourne, FL 32935
                                  and                                                          321.254.0313
                              our oneness                                               SUNDAY Services
                                with God                                                9:30 and 11:00am
                                  Rev.                                                    Sunday school at 11:00am
                                Beth Head                                                  Child care both services
                              welcomes you      A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
             Thursday, November 2nd 6:30pm                 Sunday, November 19th
             A Hallowed Evening: Celebrating Love          12:30 pm – 1:30pm
             Join us on All Soul’s Day for a “Holy Eve” general memorial service   God First: 24/7 365?
             honoring departed loved ones and life’s losses with readings, song,   Facilitator: Valarie Parson and Rev. Teresa
             silence, ritual and meditative. At this contemplative service you are   Weingarten   Got “QUESTions?” Join us
             invited to bring a picture or memento and, if so moved, speak a brief   or one power-packed hour of discussion
             tribute. Call Maggie for more information at 321-917-2993.   as we find meaning on the journey and
             Suggested love offering $20.                  help others along the way.  Suggested love
                                                           offering $20.
             Sunday, November 5th 12:30 pm – 1:30pm
             God’s Will: Why Can’t I Do It My Way?         Sunday, November 19th
             Facilitator: Valarie Parson Got “QUESTions?” Join us or one   6:00 – 8:00pm
             power-packed hour of discussion as we find meaning on the journey   Forgiveness: Path to Freedom
             and help others along the way.  Suggested love offering $20.  Forgiveness is a sacred willingness to see
                                                           with new eyes that open the heart, and re-
             Thursday, November 9th 6:30 – 8:00            lease the peace of our inner being. Join us
             Metaphysical Discussion Time                  for a Transformative Evening with Speakers, Meditation, Music, Burning Bowl
             Facilitator: Paul Esche, LUT This is a time to discuss and learn to   Ritual & More. Cast of Characters: Daylight, Rev. Beth Head, Mandy Bass,
             apply Spiritual Principles to your life as you share your thoughts   Reverends Michael & Elizabeth Stamper, Fred Goodnight, and more.
             with others or just listen to others share. Love offering will be taken.

                           Sunday, November 12th  12:30pm     Wednesday, November 22nd
                           Movie: Rooted In Peace          Thanksgiving Eve Service 7:00pm
                           From Beyond Words Publishing Director and   Join us as we pause to give thanks
                           award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites   and prepare for the holiday season.
                           viewers to take notice of the world we live in,   Service will include communion.
                           proactively seek ways to find personal and
                           ecological peace, and stop the cycle of vio-
                           lence.  Deepak Chopra, Donovan, Mike Love,   Sunday, November 26th 1-2:30pm
                           David Lynch, Mairead Maguire, Pete Seeger,   Drum Circle with Fred Goodnight
                           Ted Turner and Desmond Tutu will discuss   Come and find your rhythm and have a great time.
                           the basic question: How do we want to live?    No experience necessary. Suggested love offering $20.
                           Love Offering $20. (Copies of the movie will be
                           available for purchase $20)
                                                                 Ongoing Events
             Saturday, November 18th  10:00am – 12noon           First Sunday of the Month - Reiki Healing Service after both Sunday Service
             Communicate! Can people hear you? with Rev. Ytonna   Second Friday Night – Game Night 6:30pm
             Finnegan In just two hours learn how to say what you mean what you   Third Sunday of the Month – mini service at WAVECREST 2:30pm
             say from your heart.  Speak compassionately and directly to others.    Noon Prayer Service Tuesdays and Thursdays
             Choose words that convey what you want with love. Sign up on the   Tuesdays – Course In Miracles 7:00pm
             connection card. Suggested love offering $20.       Wednesdays – Meditation with Jenny Cancelled until January
                                                                 Wednesdays – Melbourne LBGT AA 6:30pm

                Join us in a Journey of Spiritual Discovery

                                        Merritt                                               SUNDAY
                                        Island                                               MORNINGS
                                    Sunday Services
                                       10:00 am
                                                                                                Rev. Mark
                                                                  The New Way POD               Pasqualino
             Listen to our Sunday talks online                     The Aquarian Building
                   MINISTER   238 Peachtree St in Cocoa
             4725 N. Courtenay Parkway                Rev. Rose M.   Come find what you’re
             Merritt Island, Florida 32953                   missing
             321-452-2625           Email  321-543-0058
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