Page 31 - horizons 618 Issue
P. 31

ABRAHAM-HICKS                               COVER ART

                                ...continued from page 29
                                                                    Fox Shaman by Katherine Skaggs

            But the reason that most of you do not intend to remain in                           This image has Fox
            these bodies for a very longtime, is that you like the idea                          and Falcon medicine
            of the fresh new exposure to life. Because there is more. So                         totems, bringing the
            think about it. In this life experience you bang around in the                       ability to move through
            contrast and lots of desires are produced, which puts lots of                        the worlds, between
            desires in the ethers. In other words, as a Mass Consciousness,                      the invisible and vis-
            there are all kinds of things that you are wanting. And because                      ible. The Fox Shaman
            you are leaving, not all at once, but in, sort of, groups, leav-                     brings much protection
            ing and coming, leaving and coming, your Mass Consciousness                          and devotion to family,
            remains a consistency.                                                               as well as magic from
                                                                                                 the unseen world. Fal-
            Where when you are reborn into the physical experience, you                          con flies high above,
            can pretty quickly get up to speed with where you were when                          seeing from the eyes of
            you last left. Only this time you have fresh new exuberance for                      Spirit what is true and
            life, and a new eye with which to explore.                                           wise. If the Fox Sha-
                                                                                                 man and Falcon inspire
            We’re getting back to your “meaning of life” question—a new                          you today, be a wise
            zest of life to explore this contrast that has changed signifi-                      visionary in your life,
            cantly since you were last here. You undoubtedly come forth   with the devoted heart of the wise Fox Shaman. Go within to
            into a new framework with new people, with new stimulation.   know the true way in life, always born of sacredness of all live,
            You’re going to approach life differently this time than you did   and the vision of Spirit
            last time, but all with the same intent, of this contrast produc-
            ing eternal new desires within you. Is it all starting to piece
            together for you? Or have we lulled you into oblivion with our
            endless hammering about the same thing?                     ABOUT THE ARTIST

            It is exhilarating when you are in physical bodies, which is
            truly on the leading edge of thought, and your exposure to                             Katherine Skaggs
            the contrast of this magnificent place that you have chosen is                         is an internationally
            producing within you new feelings of eagerness with new ideas                          recognized vision-
            of things that you’re wanting to experience. And, you’ve come                          ary artist, intuitive,
            into contact with some awareness of knowing how to bring                               author, teacher, spir-
            yourself into vibrational harmony with your own desires. Life                          itual counselor, sha-
            just does not get any better than that. There is nothing in all                        manic practitioner
            of the Universe more delicious than to be physically focused,                          and painter of souls.
            in a human body, have plenty of things on your plate that you                          Katherine is the art-
            want, and have absolute knowledge that you can be or do or                             ist of the Mythical
            have anything. Because you get better and better at discerning                         Goddess Tarot, the
            and deciphering and devouring the details, the specifics of this   Pocket-full of Goddesses Blessing Oracle and the Original
            time/place reality.                                  Pocket Blessing Cards. Katherine has also assisted 1000s
                                                                 of people through her sacred soul portrait process, helping to
            And there is nothing in all of the Universe more uncomfort-  reveal the beauty and love of the true soul self.
            able, than to be physically focused in a human body, with
            desires pulsing through you, that you are contradicting   She is inspired to bring beauty, love and a vision of inspiration
            through your habit of thought. So the best of all worlds, and   to others through visionary, archetypal art, intuitive painting
            the worst of all worlds, is all happening through the human   classes and workshops, and soul portrait sessions, a process
            experience. That’s why the teacher that you are is significant.   unique to Katherine and her intuitive guidance.
            Because every now and again, you meet someone who has
            powerful desire to understand, and you are in the right place   To learn more about Katherine Skaggs, her services and
            at the right time to expose them to the information that they   products as well as a beautiful gallery of her sacred art, go to
            are reaching for.                          

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