Page 7 - horizons - 518 Issue
P. 7
THIS MONTH’S My phone was gone. As the mist burned off, I saw another fallen
cyclist, who got up and walked over with a limp. Then I realized
THOUGHTS (1) I was dreaming and
(2) they likely were dead since they were coming one after an-
ABOUT other from similar cause/location of death. But I know how that
works. Often when you begin talking to one (deceased person in
THINGS... spirit,) you're sending out a signal to anyone on that channel that
a line is open so they come one after another, kind of like stand-
ing in line waiting their turn to use the phone. I have no doubt
these are real people and may be the topic of upcoming reading
“In the company of one who is living sessions. Research later told me there were 3 motorcycle acci-
Andrea de Michaelis Love, you can’t help but spring into dents at that corner in real life.
that Love.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Publisher in 2016
Of course, when I say real people, do I mean their ghosts came
HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE MAY 2018 to me in a dream? Some might might call it a ghost, I think of it
HORIZONS MAGAZINE. I had a good reminder recently as an etheric imprint, a data bank. I know that upon death the
about seeing things clearly, in the light of day. It began with a soul continues away from the body and onto its next assignment.
vivid dream. In the dream I was on a walk in my neighborhood The vestiges that remain, which we identify as our passed loved
and came upon a fallen motorcyclist. I helped him up. He was ones, can be thought of as an astral data bank, which knows
disoriented. I said let's move your bike out of the road. He everything that they knew while they were alive. That's why
asked am I dead? I said you don't appear to be. There was "they" can tell you were the keys are and bring to mind thoughts
a lot of mist and we were under a streetlight so the light was of comfort. Our thoughts and memories and prayers go out and
diffused and really bright for a distance. I got turned around connect and enrich the soul they are attached to, lifetime after
and didn't know which way we were walking and didn't see a lifetime.
street sign. He said help me retrace my steps for the keys.
And in some of these lifetimes we recognize each other. Some-
We went back toward the light and again as we approached times it’s foggy at first, as in a mist or a dream, but it becomes
the streetlamp we saw another fallen motorcyclist in the clearer as we come to know each other. That’s happened to us,
road next to the first bike. He was dazed. He left his bike you and I, here thru the magazine. I always do my best to see as
where it fell. They did not appear to notice each other. He well as I can with whatever light there is available.
couldn't find his phone to call her, I read his thoughts, she
was pregnant, he didn't want her to worry that he'd be late. ...continued on page 29...
Love? Money? Travel? Learn what 2018 holds in store for you.
May 12-13
Mother’s Day Weekend
$12 for a 10 minute mini-reading: Behind McDonald’s north of 520
Saturday May 12 11am-4pm
Daena Croghan: Psychic Medium, Angel Readings Sunday Fair May 13 11am- 4pm
Kathryn Flanagan: Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic Medium Jen Padgett: Massage MA79795 Sunday ONLY
Robin Higgins: Clairvoyant Medium, Channeling Daena Croghan: Psychic medium, Angel Readings
Jennifer Behling: Crystal Vibrational Readings Jennifer Behling: Crystal Vibrational Readings
Leslie Marlar Astrology Saturday ONLY Kathryn Flanagan: Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic Medium
Kim Danbert: Psychic Medium Tarologist & Pastel Aura Portraits Robin Higgins: Clairvoyant Medium, Channeling Our Next Fair
Maria Torano: Psychic Medium, Reiki Master & Healing, Cross-Over Kim Danbert: Psychic Medium Tarologist & Pastel Aura Portraits is July 21-22
Readings Maria Torano: Psychic Medium, Reiki Master & Healing, Cross-Over Readings
Hundreds of Books, Beads, Tarot Decks, Gifts
950 N. Courtenay Pkwy Mon - Fri 10am-6pm
Merritt Island, FL 32953 Saturday 10am-5pm
321-453-2665 Sunday 11am-3pm
Visit See coupon at website for day of fair