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                                                                 To cleanse with salt, fill a dish or bowl with an even layer of
                                                                     salt, approximately one-quarter inch deep (or more).
                              ...continued  from page                Place your crystal on top of the salt and let it sit for
                                       16                           twelve to twenty-four hours. You can tune in to the gem’s
                                                                    energy or dowse with a pendulum to see if it has been
                                                                   adequately cleansed. Although the salt can be reused,
                                                                   remember to change your salt often, as it can become satu-
                                                                  rated with the energies that it is releasing from your crystals.
                 CLEANSING WITH SALT

            Perhaps the most popular method for cleans-                   CLEANSING WITH WATER
            ing crystals is with salt or salt water. Salt is a natural
            purifier, and it has been used for ritual cleansing for centuries,  Water can be a quick way to cleanse gemstones, but great
            if not millennia. Natural salt works best, such as sea salt or   care must be taken so as not to damage soft or soluble miner-
            rock salt; kosher salt also works well. If possible, use non-  als. Many crystals, such as halite and selenite, will break
            iodized salt, as it is more effective.               down or dissolve in water, while softer stones, such as mala-
                                                                 chite, azurite, calcite, fluorite, and many others, can have
            One note of caution: salt damages many soft stones. On the   their finishes dulled by water. Some crystal formations, such
            Mohs’ scale, which measures the comparative hardness of min-  as clusters and geodes, may be weakened by immersion in wa-
            erals, salt (or halite) ranks around 2 to 2.5 out of 10. Although   ter and eventually break apart. Reserve water-based cleansing
            it is relatively soft, salt crystals have jagged edges, and they   methods for stable, insoluble crystals and gemstones.
            will scratch many stones, especially polished ones. I do not
            recommend salt-based methods of cleansing for stones softer   Water-based cleansing is effective is because water is the uni-
            than quartz (6.5 to 7 on the Mohs’ scale), and I typically avoid  versal solvent. This holds equally true for physical and spiritual
            it for polished stones altogether. Porous rocks and minerals,   impurities. Many people like to use natural running water to
            no matter their hardness, may be damaged by salt as well.  cleanse stones; be careful not to lose them in a stream or
                                                                 ocean. For cleansing at home, holding the stone under running
                                                                 water from the tap works best. I like to use alternating warm
                                                                 and cool water, as this will cause the crystal lattice to gently
                                                                 expand and contract, just like wringing out a sponge. Take
                                                                 care not to use extremely hot or cold water, as rapid changes
              YOGA SHAKTI  in temperature can damage many crystals.
             MISSION                                                     CLEANSING WITH BREATH,

                                                                       VISUALIZATION, AND PRAYER
                               First Saturday   CLASSES          By far, the most effective, safest, and fastest cleansing meth-
                                                                 ods are those that require no props. For this reason, I prefer
                                  at noon                        the consciousness-based styles that incorporate breath, prayer,
                               VEGETARIAN          7-8pm         or visualization. In my first two books, The Seven Archetypal
                                LUNCHEON           $7 Per Class or  Stones and Crystals for Karmic Healing, I describe a method
                                $10  donation    $25/month unlimited   innovated by Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist who, later in life,
                                (children free)   Monday thru Thursday  worked as a crystal healer. Other methods can work equally as

             Ma Yoga Shakti                                      well, as the mind is a powerful tool.
                             Sunshine Lectures                   Using consciousness-driven methods for cleansing means that
                             Sundays 9 - 10am                    you won’t be able to scratch, dissolve, dull, break, bleach, or
                        Talks on Spiritual T opics               lose your beloved crystal treasures. In short, Vogel prescribed
                                                                 holding your crystal with the base and point between the
                                                                 thumb and index finger of one hand, with the thumb and index
                   YOGA SHAKTI MISSION                           finger of the other hand on any other opposite faces. As you
                     3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907             breathe, imagine that you are breathing in a purifying energy,
                                                                 such as white light. Once you are saturated with this white
                            light, release the breath as a short, sharp pulse through the
                           321-725-4024                          nose. Repeat for as many pairs of faces as the crystal has. For
                        Visit                 tumbled or otherwise irregular stones, one or two breaths is

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