Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’ve stopped using my credit cards so I don’t have so many bills to pay each month.  It’s been a good month, lots of new ads, A couple from Naples contacted me and have been selling ads and distributing Horizons all over down there.  Plus they bought their own magazine racks (they are like $200 each and I’ve had so many stolen through the years that I just don’t buy them anymore), they are real go getters.

When you feel compelled to write

Half the people I know are in the process of writing a book that they feel is being channeled through them and wanting someone else to promote it for them. We are all vibing in the same place. We have come forth in a “cluster” as Abraham calls it, to find ourselves in a powerful group of people who have truly amazing and inspiring stories to tell. Maybe 90% of them wait and hope that someone else will discover their brilliance and promote them, so that all they have to do is show up and tell their story. Wouldn’t that be nice?   That’s not how it works, though. And they may stay at that stage for 20-30 years before they realize hey, it’s my story. Maybe I was just meant to write it for myself, because the writing of it taught me so many lessons along the way. My experience is that when the channelling starts to flow and we think “Omigosh, I HAVE to get this information out there!” that is just the Universe giving us the body chemicals for inspiration, dangling the carrot before us, at a time when we’re still programmed to think that some fame and recognition would be kind of cool. So the first ten years or so I thought I was writing for the whole world, then realized it was to help me change me and learn what I needed to know to become who I am now, and keep me on the path to who I can be.    Continue reading

At Unity of Melbourne today, a man at first service went up and spoke to Rev. Beth about how her talk helped him see how his rigid thinking caused he and his wife to split and thinks now they have a chance. At one point before he got up, the sun brightened the entire room so that several people looked that way.   When I looked that way, I could see a complex reconfiguring in his energy field, as if fishing nets becoming untangled.  And he had an energy stream that came straight from Beth and went back and it was flooding, I’m not exaggerating, flooding out of her right into his chest.  For me, this is what really brightened the room, him “getting” what she was saying; him realizing he was just now grasping the concept; him having that a-ha moment and feeling so grateful to her for being the messenger.  I knew he was going to walk right over to the aisle and walk right up to her, and he did.  I thought that was very cool, being so demonstrative of the fact of what Beth says every week: that “something good will happen to you today because you made the choice to be at Unity of Melbourne.”   Continue reading

Dream: Matthew McConaughey Wakes Me Up

I went to the Melbourne Auditorium and decided to park and have a nap.  I had the window open and had a glass bowl of popcorn with me.  I put the empty bowl on the open window sill as I slept.  I woke up half groggy and was glad the bowl was there because someone could have reached in for me but the bowl would have fallen and woken me up.  I go inside the auditorium to walk around and see what’s happening.  It’s a dance like a high school dance going on.  I have a rolled up carpet with me, a small one, and I stand it next to another rolled up carpet that is standing there, as I watch the dancing from the lobby area.  I see Rev. Beth and Gerald Head, so I figure they are there because they own the auditorium and they must have to be there to host it.  Continue reading

Law of attraction at work

Today my friend Frank emailed about his mother helping his deadbeat brother out of financial trouble – once again! I wrote back:  Ah, I see what it is.  Law of attraction at work.  Check it out.  A great example for the class, also.  Mark figures Mom will always bail him out and that’s his sincere belief by virtue of his past history with her, and he attracts that from her (by hook or by crook), so it becomes his experience. Mom knows my friend Frank has some $$ put away (because he’s a bratty blabbermouth) and so Mom has learned to believe through the years that Frank one way or another manages to support himself and be self sufficient.  So she doesn’t feel the “need”to help with $$.  Her belief has become her reality.  Frank knows that Frank is self sufficient and knows to save $$ and he’s responsible and works two+ jobs to make sure he can do what has to be done.  His past history shows him he can do it alone, so his belief and expectation has become his reality.   His past history tells him Mom will bail Miark out of everything, so that past history has made Frank very intuitive in detecting the subtle signs that Mom continues to do for Mark and not do for Frank.  That means, it is hard not to notice when she lets slip in conversation that she paid for yet something else for Mike.  The law of attraction at work.     Continue reading

I’m being prepared even though Hurricane Ike is headed way west

I see Hurricane Ike is headed way west and just a category one as it moves over Cuba.  Our prayers must be working!  Over the weekend I took photos of all my household and garage belongings, just to have on file.  I also bought two big plastic tubs, so in case I have to evacuate, I can just put my needed office stuff in the two tubs and I’m set.  It includes:
Laptop computer
External hard drive
HM Biz Checkbook
Portable USB adapter
Insurance files with photos of household items
Software cd box
Cell phone charger
Blue tooth charger
Stamps envelopes
Flip calendar (with bills in it) and all mail on desk
Vitamins    Continue reading

Paying rent is a good thing, count it as a blessing

I received an email today from my friend Marco who took issue with the fact that he was asked to pay rent at the ashram he has been living at.  He thought it would be enough to do some editing work in exchange, although it was never discussed, and he thinks his value is not being acknowledged.  I emailed him:  “I don’t think Mataji is failing to see your value in house; it is my experience that many have promised to her and not delivered.  That’s my observation only thru the decades, based on nothing anyone else has said.  I do think you are mistaken that she merely wants to rent a room to you as a source of income.  I used to feel invalidated when no one around let me know I was appreciated.  It helped me draw strength from within.  With all due respect, the only way you can reach the vibrational frequency needed for her to appreciate you more, is to step up your frequency of appreciation and devotion to her. I believe the idea of having to pay rent is an excellent one, because it brings up everyone’s beliefs about money and if anything needs to be clarified and cleared, this is the time that will begin happening.  This will trigger that opening and ultimate understanding.  I believe no one should live at the ashram who is not totally engrossed in Mataji’s teachings.  Commit yourself to her if you feel so compelled, and watch the magic begin to flow.  But as long as you are biding time, waiting for a sign, so is the Universe, and everything remains at a standstill.  It’s your choice.  WWMD?”

A wandering the halls dream with Dr. Mary and she’s got a message

I am again wandering the halls of a large building looking for the room I was supposed to meet up with ___ ?  At one point I became lucid and began playing with being lucid in the dream, but I don’t recall now just how.  Something about jumping from large flat rock to large flat rock.  In this dream, I remembered a previous dream of months ago where I was afraid to put a key in a lock because I thought it would break off inside and it began to melt in my hand.   Dr. Mary Horgan was showing me around a large museum like hall with many rooms and showing me various museum pieces.  She was like the docent or something, showing me around very graciously.  She wondered what to do if the storm water came in the house and she couldn’t reach anyone and felt afraid.  She brought our mutual friend V to mind and as if she “knows” some situation and she “forgives” the situation.  The river is rising and suddenly the scene is a sweat lodge at Sunshine Jim’s property on the river  and Dr. Mary is saying to V, Albert Villoldo’s words ‘clean up your river.”  I just read those words this last week in his article.  Continue reading

Janine Chimera suggested another drumming on the beach to keep the storms offshore!  Here’s her email:  “Ok folks….. here we are again….. it’s not time to quit or give in or give up……So many are joining in the effort to raise the vibration of our intentions regarding the waves of storms coming through.  I believe, that in many ways, it makes a difference.  Consider gathering with us on the beach to drum.  Let us set intentions for the storms and the people being affected by them on all levels to all degrees.

WHERE: Millenium Park beach access  (the very first park just north of Eau Gallie Causeway)
WHAT TO BRING:  Bring your drums, rattles, shakers, flutes, …….. something to sit on;  you do not need a drum to be there and participate, please come anyhow
TIME: 7:00pm
WHEN:  SATURDAY, Sept.6th, 2008   Continue reading

I sent an email to, The Weather Channel, and

I sent an email to, The Weather Channel, and Subject:  A no cost plan for viewers to help with the hurricanes.

“I’m writing to suggest that perhaps you might reconsider the spin you put on the storms and hurricane projections.  I know you want to stress to the viewers to be prepared, but there are thousands glued to their tv sets, all worrying themselves sick over something that most of them won’t personally experience.  This is also more than the weather person saying “it’s another bad day out there with the rain/storm/heat/humidity.”  Why drive home the idea that rain = a miserable day?  For most, that is not true. So, sure, say it’s going to be a wet one.  But there’s no need to say it’s going to be a miserable one.  The rain may be a fact, but the misery is an option.  But enough about that.”   Continue reading