Category Archives: Uncategorized

Style Makeover

Monday, December 22, 2008  This morning I woke up and did some bookkeeping and drove to the bank and post office.  On the way home, I stopped at Beall’s and surprised myself by finding five blouses I liked and that fit perfectly.  I’m not a big shopper, but recently went down another size and it made more sense to buy new clothes than to keep taking my old ones in.  I caught myself in the mirror the other day and looked like I belong in a hiphop video.  Jeans too big, tshirts halfway to my knees, no telling what my body is like under all that.  So I’ve been practicing upgrading myself with a little style.   Plus Beall’s was next door to the post office where I was anyway, and I had the credit card and discount card in my purse… and it was Monday, extra discount day. Continue reading

Morning routine

Monday, December 22, 2008.  It’s 4:00am as I begin to write this and I’ve got one window open, letting in some of the 58 degree air.  I can hear the wind out there, palm trees and oaks rustling, my long tubular wind chimes just outside, sounding their songs.  This is my favorite time of day to have to myself.  I just came in from a quick bike ride around the neighborhood.  I like to make the rounds and say hello to all the neighborhood cats that station themselves along the road and watch as I pass. Continue reading

Doreen Virtue; Celebrity Clients; Psychic Friends Network

I wrote this several years ago — it’s now 2023 — but the info is timeless.
I did a reading last night for a new celebrity type client, who said she saw my name in the acknowledgement/gratitudes section of Doreen Virtue’s book Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialogue with God and Your Guardian AngelsShe Googled my name and had been reading at the Horizons Magazine website for the seven months while she waited for her appointment.  I used to get really excited when I began getting clients who were known by the public.  Of course that’s a two edged sword, because you have to keep it confidential.  But they do turn you on to an entirely new clientele.   Continue reading

The taste of homegrown and organic vegetables is off the hook

Saturday December 20, 2008
I spent the morning walking through several farmer’s markets and buying a few days worth of vegetables.  I’ve been eating a big salad each day for lunch, sometimes with a clear soup, and then making a vegetable “fried” rice for dinner.  I’ve always eaten vegetables, because I was told I should, but I never noticed they didn’t have much taste until after I discovered home grown and organic fruits and vegetables. Continue reading

New Age Christianity; Comparing Religions

I was at the post office yesterday with Horizons when a customer asked me What is this magazine?  Is it Christian?”  I don’t always know quite how to answer that.  I know when I hear that question, that someone thinks I need to be set straight.  So my hesitation in answering usually has more to do with how much of that do I feel like getting into at the moment *smile*  I consider myself a Christian, absolutely.  The next question always is “Do you consider Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?”  The short answer is “sure.”  However, I also feel I know a Greater Reality.  But one that includes his reality.  His reality does not include my reality.  Mine includes his.

And I’m not just talking from a standpoint of having studied comparative religions, and seen the same religious script, deity, doctrine, sacrifice, messiah play out in every culture under different names.   I’ve seen there are many interpretations even within the same cultures, and it can be divisive.  But that if you look, you’ll find the similarities: one ultimate diety; conduct yourself morally; life after death and rewards; one mother, one origin; a messiah or a sacrifice; the end of days.  Do I believe the stories?  Absolutely.  Although I think they represent a very limited perception of the greater reality.

“Is Horizons a new age magazine?”  I have to say it is, although I’m not a fan of the term.  “Oh, not that stuff! he said, good naturedly.  So I always ask, “Tell me what is it about new age that you don’t believe in or have a problem with, and I’ll bet you I don’t believe in it either.”  That usually stops the conversation and btw I never get an answer to that question.

My experience is that there is Something much greater up there and out there.  I used to think this Someone had a long beard and white hair and we called him God.  Then I experienced Him as all of nature around me and the sky above me and the earth beneath my feet, and I came to realize I would find Him everywhere I looked for Him.  And that He and Him are just pronouns I am accustomed to using and anything else sounds burdensome.  I think the Godhead is genderless and formless, and I don’t feel the need to label and describe in detail or try to convince anyone else to believe as I do.

I think “new age” has to do with taking responsibility for how you perceive life and how you react to it.  When I think of the new age, I think of the movement away from an impersonal, aloof and insecure society, away from social drunkenness on television, alcohol, drugs, and toward a more spiritual and compassionate lifestyle, where people seek to encourage and assist their fellowman, where we realize that we are all connected, that as individuals we are powerful, and that as a group we are powerful.

A new age approach includes being aware that change only occurs when a change of consciousness takes place.  A new age approach includes knowing there are a variety of tools and tricks we can employ to inspire us to change our consciousness relative to any particular subject.

A new age approach includes self-reflection and considering that on some level you have attracted into your life all that you’ve experienced up to now.

A new age approach includes considering that no matter what our past hurts or transgressions, we can begin right now to change our world, and our life. We don’t have to be perfect before we can begin to help others.

A new age approach includes considering that there is a Higher Power that hears and answers prayers, and that our prayers for others help them, and that we participate in creating the reality we experience.

A new age approach might consider arguing about beliefs as an evolutonary step up from arguing about labels 🙂

Leaking energy creating ruts in my life; my appliances talk to me

I was thinking of the metaphors playing out the past couple of weeks in my life, in terms of energy leakage.  I don’t mean spending time with people who sap my energy, I have very little of that in my life.  I’m pretty disciplined that way.  And I don’t mean getting caught up watching tv, because anything I ever turn on, I can turn right back off and not wonder what comes next or what I’m missing.  I’m talking about ways I let my energy drip, drip, drip away as a new rut begins to settle in. Continue reading

How one clairvoyant sees the world

As a professional clairvoyant, I see everything around me not only with my outer vision, but also with my inner vision. I tend to think of the world around me as the visible manifestation of energy in motion, because as an energy worker that’s how I perceive it. The concept of subtle energy is not a theoretical one for me. Everything and everyone I see with inner sight is composed of highly interactive energy. This means I’m paying less attention to what your words are, than I am to what your energy field is telling me, and how you’re “vibrating”, as Abraham-Hicks would say.

When I’m looking into your energy field, I’m not thinking “oh, he’s yellow,” or “oh, she’s blue.” It’s my experience that colors change every moment with every thought, more often as your moods do. What I perceive is like a film clip within a layer of the aura that runs along the first few inches from your skin. Different locations show me a different “movie.” Yours fears and concerns make for a more vivid film than do the areas of your life you’re bored with. Kind of like the old black and white movies they’ve colorized – you’re going along in black and white (the oppressed, boring parts of your life) and suddenly you’re in color (your fears, fervent wishes, etc.)    Continue reading

Potbound; expanding to fill my space

From Mike Dooley’s Notes From The Universe“Do you know what happens the instant I become a brand new “someone”?  You know, the moment I begin to play, grow, and become more than I was, within the jungles of time and space? I feel alone, disconnected, like I’m missing something. Even though I’m none of those things.  And neither are you.

At Unity of Melbourne today, Rev, Beth Head talked about allowing ourselves to get potbound, and how fragile we can feel as we are moving from one pot to another.  How precarious it can feel as our roots dangle openly in the air and we long to be once again contained in the security of a pot.  Just like Mike Dooley wrote up there, “feeling alone, disconnected, like we’re missing something.”

So now  I am freeing my pot-bound self. My roots have dangled scarily free and now it’s time for the new pot. Am I ready?

Or have I just become aware of how I have grown to fit my little pond?  Is it necessary to jump into a bigger pond in order to grow beyond where I am now?  Or is it enough to simply expand my perception of where I am now, in order to have the expanded experience of where I am now?

So I’ve been entertaining the idea of stepping into a bigger pond.  I thought one step would be to begin looking for another home on a few private wooded acres.  I love where I live now but have been thinking about a change.

I know from past history that I will expand to fill whatever space I find myself in.  Downsizing doesn’t freak me out and expanding doesn’t freak me out.  I know I always seem to somehow make it work, and everything always falls into place synchronistically.

If I want to be more than I am now, I need to give myself space to do that, and be in a space that allows that.  I need to leave a lot of empty, white space for the Universe to delight me with the filling of.  And leaving empty white space extends to my mind, as I begin to envision myself in the new space, in the new life.

I mean, this life is working well, that’s how I can tell I am ready for an upgrade.  I’m too happy and comfortable as things are right now *smile*  Isn’t that always how it works?  Actually, it is.  Because when you’re content, you have no resistance.  And when you release resistance: instant manifestation.

But we have to create the space for it.  We have to provide the environment for it.  Just like in meditation: we have to quiet our mind to provide an empty environment, so Spirit can impress guidance upon us.

I’m feeling guided to prepare myself for repotting.  I’m ready.

Psychic Friends; 20 Tips on Becoming Psychic

I was clearing old files out and found all my old log sheets from when I was an online psychic back in the 90’s.  I worked for the Psychic Friends Network from 1992 to 1996, doing calls out of my home. Remember those hokey commercials in the middle of the night, with Dionne Warwick and Linda Georgian?  I’d cringe when I’d see them! I had a separate line for the readings, and we had specific schedules to work.  I always volunteered to work midnight to 4am and holidays and those were always the busiest shifts.  They had us fill out log sheets that gave the date, time of the call, caller first name and birthday, as well as other names and birthdates mentioned in the call.  That way, if someone refused to pay saying they did not make the call, we would say “Well, the caller has a husband named Oscar born 10-15-65 and twins named Sarah and Melissa born 2-14-95.”  We only had about an inch of space, the width of the page, for notes.  Sometimes I would make notes afterward about some of calls, the ones I found interesting for later commentary.  I got my share of “who’s my baby’s daddy?” but also got many calls from people in the entertainment industry, wondering when their break would come.   Continue reading

The morphing sleep cycles of menopause. 15 things to do when you can’t sleep. Here are lots of links to natural sleep aids.

Sleep restful by pinoWhen I entered menopause at age 42, I noticed my sleeping patterns beginning to change.  Like everyone else, at first I fought it and tried all sorts of things to keep me asleep for my previous 6-8 hours at a stretch.  If you listen to the tv ads, that’s what’s “normal” and menopause was “interrupting” that natural cycle. I typically have 3-4 hours sleep in a row and then it’s feet on the floor and back to the office.   A recreational sleeper I’m not.    Then I thought, wait, menopause itself is a natural cycle and if I just go with it, instead of fighting it, let me see what my sleeping patterns morph into.  I’m lucky in that I work for myself and can make my own hours, so I began what would be a decade long experiment to find my own natural sleeping pattern.   Continue reading