Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to stay functional as you sit out the bleak and depressing times.

heart in hands2I did two readings this morning, both with high-powered, ambitious and independent women who are going through a melancholy cycle as the holidays approach. That is true for many of us, and when it’s in the air like this, it can be easy to pick up emotions from other people if you don’t have a good sense of your own stability. Both clients are in the process of undergoing some radical life changes – for the better – but are in the “wait and see how it unfolds” stage right now, where it seems as though nothing is happening. Both of them are losing motivation and fear settling into destructive habits since they are not seeing results just yet. Continue reading

First Horizons Newsletter gets emailed out; Kudos to brother Jerry

Friday, December 26, 2008  9am
Well,  I got the first Horizons newsletter emailed out and afterward discovered to my horror that in the “From” line was the nickname of a favorite kitty I had when I was a kid.  My brother is always embedding secret messages in our work, text that no one else gets to see but is written in the code so I see it when I am nosing around in the control panel.  Messages like “get out of the control panel now, little sister”. Continue reading

End of year, end of life as we know it – reported by those who made the transition.

Thursday December 25, 2008 7:00am
During the week between Christmas and New Year’s is when the air is most emotionally charged for people.  It’s a time of new beginnings and a time to reflect on those we have lost during the year; those who will no longer be sharing the earth experience with us in their human body. It’s natural to lament the loss of loved ones who have chosen to drop their robes for this Earth walk, and many of us have parents and grand parents who are nearing transition.  It’s a time of many decisions to make and contingencies to be addressed. Continue reading

Christmas Day kayaking; listening to Fred Migliore; new newsletter

11:00pm Christmas Night, December 25, 2008
I had a really good Christmas Day.  I don’t do anything commercial for the holidays, so I escape the flurry of decorating, gift shopping, and card sending and it all stays pretty peaceful.  I did a dawn patrol surf check at the boardwalk in Indialantic this morning, then came back to dry off and have some hot and sour soup for breakfast.  Afterward, I took a walk through Turkey Creek Sanctuary, and then headed toward downtown Melbourne to watch the manatees off riverwalk park for awhile. Continue reading

Merry Christmas; coming out of the fog.

Thursday, December 25, 2008  10:00am Christmas Day
It dawned drizzly and foggy this Christmas Day.  I’d taken a pre-dawn ride to the beach to check the surf, and all the streets and buildings looked as though they had been washed clean overnight.   I sat at the stairs to one of the beach accesses south on the boardwalk and not another soul was in sight.   I was glad I had a flannel shirt and hat in the car, since there was a lot of fog and mist.  I sat at the top of the steps for about 30 minutes, Continue reading

New Year’s Eve camping at the firepit; a flame meditation.

I camped out in my west woods at the firepit last night.  I like to do very back-to-nature rituals during celebration times.  It keeps me connected to what is real.  “Real” for someone else may be drinking and partying and watching the ball drop.  That’s cool but not my idea of fun, either.  I like to reflect during these times on what is important to me and review my accomplishments to date.  When I do that, I get hints as to what future steps I might take next.

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Shopping Christmas Eve; Social Eating; De-activating Your Cravings; Pamper Your Digestive System

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:30pm Christmas Eve
I got a lot of things done today, I even did something I usually never do on December 24, which is shop.  It all began with me waking up and jumping into my To Do List without remembering tomorrow was Christmas.  I had an appointment at 10am in Merritt island and while I was there, I passed a Beall’s Outlet. Beall’s is where I just bought some slacks and blouses, and was surprised to find a particular brand of pants they had in fit me perfectly. Continue reading

Psychic Scam Artists in the News

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:00pm
I just read in Florida Today that Fort Lauderdale, FL authorities are looking for a self-proclaimed psychic who scammed five women out of nearly $65,000.  35-year-old Gina Marie Marks told the women she would rid their money of demons that brought them bad luck.  The women gave Marks the cash for a spiritual cleansing and they never saw her again. Continue reading

Reality TV Shows; The Secret; Abraham-Hicks, What The Bleep

I decided to watch tv and Rock of Love Charm School was coming on VH1, so I figured I’d watch that.  I’d seen a few of the episodes.  A dozen+ girls who were formerly on a reality show called Rock of Love, where they vied for the attention of rock star Bret Michaels of the band Poison.  All of the girls were … um… unpolished, hence the name of the show: Charm School.  So this happened to be the finale episode from 10:00-11:30pm.

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