Category Archives: Uncategorized

Anonymous Comments. Create a New Identity to Express the Emerging You. Making Mistakes On The Spiritual Path. Integrating Your Personality With Your Soul.

A friend just told me that the Comments feature on this blog was asking him to sign in and give his email address before he could leave a comment.  Until I can get that message off there, you do NOT have to give your info, just post the comment and it will come through.  I think people should be able to comment anonymously, and I also don’t want people to think I am collecting their email addresses for later use.  If they want me to have it, they will give it to me.  If they want to sign up for the Horizons Magazine Newsletter then they will do it. Continue reading

A spontaneous meditation while watching fish in the pond

I was at a friend’s property and walking along a wooded path taking in the glorious greens of nature and came upon a bubbling pond.  I stopped to look at the water’s edge then noticed the fish just below the surface, come to look at their new guest.  So shyly do they come to watch, fins waving back and forth slowly, keeping them moving but staying in the same place.  A brave one pokes his face above the surface to get a closer look and he looks me straight in the eye and then dips slowly back into his own world.  The brave fish swims off to tell his friends that he dared to get a closer look at what was beyond the pond and he found it was benevolent and good; he encouraged everyone to go look for themselves. Continue reading

Well, new tv was a dumb idea, back it goes; Cassadaga trip

Sunday January 4, 2009
Ok, so I hooked up the new tv and I don’t know what I was thinking…maybe it’s the extra 6″ diagonal, but my old tv just has a better picture.  Yes, this new tv is smaller and more compact but, well, if I have friends over to watch the Spiritual Cinema Circle dvds, the screen from the old tv is much easier to see.  So tomorrow back it goes to Circuit City.  Now I know that when the old tv finally goes out, if it ever does, I will replace it with at least the same size screen. Continue reading

Mystical Menopause; sage-ing while ageing; staying active prevents Alzheimer’s; hot flashes as mini-sweat lodges

I was 56 last year but I totally don’t feel that age.  I feel about 35.  And I’ve got good genes and an animated personality, so I know I have a youthful appearance.  Of course, all the photos I put online are flattering ones 🙂   But I’m not often around people who talk about aging or wrinkles or losing their memory, so I don’t think about those things much.  Continue reading

Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction

MOMENTUM    If I have  no momentum going, it’s tough to head in a new direction.  To get anywhere, I need momentum.  I need to be there in the moment – consciously – to get me there.  Inspiration propels me in a particular direction, but only I can provide the momentum.  So when I feel stuck or frozen in place, that is my signal to start heading somewhere – anywhere.  And in my desire to do something – anything – I will be led to new choices and new opportunities. Continue reading

I like AOL for email; failure to communicate; feeling understood. Internet Explorer, Firefox, WordPress

Friday January 2, 2009
I like using AOL.  I used to say that when people would complain about it, and I never knew what they were talking about.  I found out later that’s because I mostly use AOL for email, and they were talking about the AOL browser.  While I’ll go to this page or that in the course of my daily work, I’ve never really been a websurfer.  I mostly research.  Continue reading

A 10 minute Meditation on Oneness for Personal and Planetary Transformation

earth planetary gridThis a powerful visualization which can help transform your consciousness relative to your relationship with everyone you share the planet with.  So often in life we feel alone, as though we’re the only one thinking what we’re thinking; feeling what we’re feeling. This meditation done regularly will strengthen your feeling of connection with others and bring a deep sense of calm in your life:
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A Meditation To Meet with Your Spiritual Guide: To Be Shown The Next Step

Q:  How can you do creative visualization if you don’t know what you want to create? 
A:  You don’t need to see yourself doing anything specific except laughing, feeling happy, being with people you pour love out onto and feel love being poured back in to you.  You don’t need to know who those people will be but you can remember the feeling you felt before, that infatuated all engulfing loving exchange, and use that thought repeated over and over in your mind, to fuel the attraction of the new people and circumstances to you. Continue reading

Bookkeeping is done for 2008! Getting off catalog lists

Wednesday New Year’s Eve December 31, 2008 5:00pm
Today was spent catching up all my bookkeeping and clearing my desk.  At the bottom of the stack of work to be done was the back cover of all the catalogs I’ve been getting lately.  I pull the back cover off as I throw the catalog into the recycle bin, and then I email each company and ask to be taken off their list.  On the back cover of every catalog is a number to call or a website to go to.  At each website somewhere is a place to be removed from the catalog list.

Hey, I like to save trees when I can.  So what did everyone do for New Year’s Eve?


Sorting email addresses, friends and advertisers overlap, not a fan of the hard sell

Saturday December 27, 2008
Another beautiful, glorious day in subtropical central Florida.  Temperatures low in the 60’s last night and high today should be near 80.  It dawned clear and sunny, typical Florida day – 320 days of the year anyway.  I spent the morning sorting out my AOL address book and creating in it a new category for my advertisers.  I just learned I could import them all into my newsletter database within minutes.  Too cool! Continue reading