Category Archives: Uncategorized

I don’t always notice when I’m getting stressed

I don’t always notice when I’m getting stressed. But something my brother said made me realize that the more stressed I get, the more controlling I become, and the more I begin to micro manage things around me. Like telling my mailing helpers how to put magazines in an envelope and how to seal it… Usually I’m Mz. Go With The Flow, but when I’m stressed my myth is that I either have to do it myself or I have to supervise every step of it. If you’re one of my buddies, you are laughing hysterically at me just realizing I do this, while you’ve watched it for years. Ok, I laughed, too.
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Transcript of a Psychic Reading on $$$, Breaking The Spell, How To Strengthen Willpower, A Helpful Self Talk Script

Here is a  transcript of a psychic reading I did for someone years ago.  Everyone likes to read those.   Names, as usual, have been changed.  Question: I noticed in one of my old issues of Horizons that you are in the directory for mentoring.   Tell me a little about the difference between your mentoring and the readings that you give.  I saw the info on your webpage. Continue reading

Separate checking account eases online banking fears

I love paying bills online.  It really simplifies the process for me.  I can set myself reminders when payments are due, and schedule payments ahead of time.  Only on the rare occasion do I find myself right up on the due date of paying a bill, when I’d get a late fee if I sent the check online.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I thought I’d be in time, but Wachovia told me I needed a week to get it there.  Phooey!  So I had to call Beall’s and give them my banking information, something I’d just prefer not to do. Continue reading

How were you programmed by language as a child? My brother and I had very different experiences with our Dad

My brother lives just outside Greenville, SC in the town he grew up in.  He mentioned to me one day he had recently seen someone in town he’d known as a child.  His memory was of an extremely impoverished family, with the kids going through neighbors’ trash and eating scrap food.  That is something I never saw as a child.  It makes me realize all over again that Jerry and I had such different childhoods.  Continue reading

Meditating to the superconscious state

It was about 33 degrees when I took my walk around the neighborhood about 6:00am .  I could see the bright sliver moon up high in the southeast over the pines, just a sliver in the sky.  I’d had a good meditation earlier with many thoughts to ponder.  Roy Eugene Davis student and disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, talks about meditating to the superconscious state” and says, “Regular superconscious meditation practice strengthens the body’s immune system, slows biological aging processes, improves powers of concentration, clarifies awareness, and quickens spiritual growth.” Continue reading

Career Choices; Discovering Your Life’s Mission; When Horizons Magazine Began

“Shoplifter gets run over twice by her getaway car :  CAPE CORAL, Fla. (AP) — Authorities are looking for a shoplifter who was run over twice by her getaway car after stealing $1,200 worth of designer purses.”   Now that is someone who has made some poor career choices.  The news item reads: “A T.J. Maxx security guard told police she was confronting the woman when a car pulled up. The shoplifter tried to get into the vehicle but fell out and was run over by the car. She then got up and jumped onto the hood of the car. As the car was driving away, the report said the woman fell off and was run over again. On her third attempt, she finally made it into the vehicle.  Police are using the car’s license plate from to check what the woman dropped to track her down.” Continue reading

Uncle John Vincent Atanasoff and the Odd One Out

’90s rapper Coolio in today’s news credited extraterrestrials with computer science and jet planes.  “You think [technology] came from this planet?“ he asked?  Well, I know it did because my uncle was John Vincent Atanasoff , the American physicist known as the Father of the Modern computerHe invented the first automatic electronic digital computer and in 1990, President Bush awarded him the U.S. National Medal of Technology, the highest U.S. honor for achievements related to technological progress. Google him or see Wikipedia at’s my uncle because my mom’s sister married his brother, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Hachet, whose real name was Raymond but he had a distinct facial profile so everyone called him Hatchet.  My cousins in Tampa are all Atanasoffs and all creative geniuses.  And we all knew of Uncle Hatchet’s mad scientist brother who was famous in that weird scientist kind of way.

Every family has that odd one out, don’t they?  The one that breaks the mold and goes against the grain?  The one that delves into all sorts of things that no one else understands?   You’re probably the one in your family, if you’re reading this.  The path less traveled is just that, less traveled.  Not everyone wants to walk that lonely path.  You notice there are areas of your life that you can’t talk about with certain friends or family members and so you stay off those religious or political or whatever topics with them.  But that makes for a lot of superficial talk, and you’re just not into that anymore.  Yes, it’s social, it’s polite, but it’s neither constructive nor fulfilling for you.   You are left alone with your thoughts and ideas on those topics, sometimes with no one else around you – for years – sharing those views, or with whom you can discuss them.  You read everything you can on the topic and still don’t find much outside interest, so it is indeed a lonely path you are walking here.  It is a time of great incubation, where the Universe has designed it so that you have time alone to keep you from disbursing your energy until you have sufficiently built it.  With no one to talk and discuss with, your thoughts and ideas will have time to gather and brew, and you are likely to have profound meditations at this time. That’s usually what is going on with the eccentric family member.  That quiet one at the table may simply have a very active life – inner or outer – elsewhere.  Outside the interests of friends and family.  That places her off to the side of the hamster wheel and gets her labeled as the odd one out.  I guess that makes us all the O3’s right? 


A Meditation To Help Transmute the Suffering Of The World

This is a variation on tonglen, an ancient Buddhist meditation practice.

Breathe into your heart, taking in all pain and suffering and incompleteness of human life.
Offer this breath up to God by breathing it up through your crown into the Universe.

Breathe down the power which is beyond all suffering and take it into your heart.
Add your own love and offer it out to the world as your gift.

Breathe in to your heart all unhappiness and suffering.
Offer it up to God.

Breathe in to your heart God’s love.
Offer it out to the world.

Repeat as needed, daily or every moment of your life, forever.

RELATED: How To Practice Tonglen

Parable of the 3 Dreams

Sleep restful by pinoIN THE FIRST DREAM  I am walking along a very rough terrain, on the way to climb a high and rather forbidding mountain, the top of which is concealed by mist and clouds. It is clear that the ascent of this mountain symbolizes my whole life. Clambering over the rubble in front of me is not too daunting, but as I look ahead I see that my way is blocked by several cliffs that appear to be around ten feet high. Beyond those are some still higher cliffs, the farthest being perhaps hundreds of feet high. I have no idea how I will deal with those when I get to them, but meanwhile there seems nothing to do but forge ahead. However, although I didn’t know notice it at first, I am growing in stature as I go along, so that by the time I finally reach the ten foot cliffs I am tall enough that I can simply step up over them. The same with the hundred foot cliffs. Continue reading