Category Archives: Uncategorized

Natural Anxiety, Insomnia Relief with Valerian and St. John’s Wort

I’ve been talking with a friend who is a survivor of lifelong depression. She’s tried various medications throughout the years, even St. John’s Wort and Valerian as herbal remedies, until she found something that works well for her.  There’s such a freedom in finding relief, especially if you have something as debilitating as depression and anxiety can be.  My younger brother Bobby, and my father both suffered from depression.  Both died by suicide.  Relief is exactly what I felt when each had passed, knowing the daily struggles they went through.  I think I’ve always been the lucky one. Mom called me the strong one, but I just never found life to be a struggle and things have come fairly easily for me.  Not so for my younger brother who dropped out of high school and got involved with some shady doings; not so for my father who had a 6th grade education and had a family to support since the time he was 13 years old.  By the time I came along, they were ready for a golden child.  So I got braces and dance lessons while my two older brothers got abandoned. Continue reading

Organizing My Finances, My Script From Think and Grow Rich

I’m not a savvy business person. Not in the conventional sense.  I basically just go about my work and pay bills when they come in and don’t keep track of the money too closely.  That way I always have more than I think I’ll need.  I’ve never used a Quicken or Quickbooks type program to organize my finances, although I use a billing program (MYOB Plus 11) for my invoices to advertisers and other clients.  And I just discovered that my MYOB program can also help me keep track of my expenses and make it easy for me to get the info to my tax accountant each quarter.  I’m stoked! Continue reading

All you need is a few good clients

“You don’t need a gazillion clients.  You just need a handful of the right clients.  You don’t need more workers.  You just need the right workers.”  The first time I head those words, I could hear the bells going off signalling a big, giant truth that had just been revealed to me.  And over the years, I’ve found that to be true. While doing the billing this week, I decided to look at my “card list” for all clients and advertisers.  I couldn’t believe how many I had.  Some of them had just advertised once, perhaps, so I didn’t recognize their names.  But many names were very familiar to me. I thought about how I’ve had so many of the same advertisers for the past 10-15 years and how grateful I am that I don’t have to run around selling ads to get each issue printed.  I would be more industrious if I had more time, and make ad calls, but it’s too easy to just keep things the way they are.  Comfortable.  Manageable.  Then I realized, that’s it.  I am comfortable with the clients and advertisers I have now, and we make a good family and it keeps the cats fed. Continue reading

My Friday late afternoon, paying down debt

We had the mailing for the April Horizons today, and I surprised myself by getting some of the billing done before everyone got here.  It feels good to have that part of the job done each month.  Now I get to sit outside and enjoy the weather and watch the sun go down, without having anything else to do or anywhere else to go.  Nice!  Right now I’m sitting in my west woods, in what is typically known as the firepit area, however there is no fire tonight.  It’s very windy and my favorite big giant kitty Izzy is sitting here with me.  I can hear several sets of birds all around me, and can see the plaster Buddha winking at me as the sun sends shadows thru the mulberry leaves across his face. Continue reading

A morning journey out of the body

Monday, March 16, 2009. I listened to one of the Monroe Institute Gateway Experience cds this morning, Wave VI, Track 2 Odyssey #2 Expansion in Locale 1.  In October 2006, Rev. Beth Head and I went to the Monroe Institute and did their 6 day residential Gateway program, and I wrote about it here: October 2006 The Haunted Chair, De-activating Thoughtforms, Journeys Out Of The Body, Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute. I like these cds because they always take me out of where I am and place me somewhere else, somewhere it is easy to do the creative visualization work I love to do. Continue reading

Endless loops of windows and popups, cleaning up your crap

Did you ever accidentally  click on one of those ads that say something like How Many Eyes Does This Baby Have? and it takes you to a quiz for a mind game or some such?   If you’re not careful, you don’t see at the very bottom, where you have to scroll to see it, it tells you that your ATT account will be charged if you click on it.  Then you try to close out of it because you didn’t mean to go there in the first place, and you keep having to answer complex questions to get past the pop-up box.  Since if you just click “cancel”, then that takes you right to the quiz.  I used to get ticked when I’d get caught up on the endless loops of windows and popups like that.  I’m too busy for that crap! Now it’s just my signal I need to take a break and stretch and relax, that I’ve been letting resistance pile up unnoticed, so I appreciate when it happens.  I’m always ready to release unnecessary crap! Continue reading

More lottery wins. Getting in the vibe. Cultivate an expectant attitude to encourage windfalls. Expect $$ to come out of nowhere

On March 5, 2009, Bob Space, of Manchester Township, N.J., sent nine of his co-workers likely the best e-mail they’ll ever receive on Wednesday morning. It read: “We won the big one.” The group each pitched in $5 for 50 Mega Million lottery tickets, which Space purchased at a gas station during Monday’s snowstorm. One of the tickets turned out to be the golden prize — worth $216 million.   The 10 will split a $216 million annuity or a one-time payout of about $140 million.    “I feel incredibly blessed. I can’t even absorb it,” Space said. He said winnings “take a lot of the stress out of life. Continue reading

Editing at the Source; 13 Steps Back to Balance

As I work on my website, sometimes I can’t get the text to edit the way I want it.  Maybe I want it to be bold or red and although I highlight the text and click the BOLD button, it doesn’t change.  When that begins happening, I can spend hours trying to make it work like it’s supposed to, or I can remember that my shortest route to remedy is going into the html code and editing the text at the source.   The sooner I remember to go to Source, the quicker I will be on my way to the next step in what I’m doing.  Now if I can just remember that in real life also. Continue reading

My clients are the best *the worst turns into the best*

This has been a week of ups and downs for sure.  Friday was the big mailing day for the March Horizons Magazine, then being excited about the Expo of Heart in Fort Lauderdale last Sunday.   Expo of Heart was a whirlwind.  Named by Lifetime Television as America’s No. 1 Psychic, Fort Lauderdale’s own Michelle Whitedove filled all the seats in the largest speaking event with 225+ people. You can read more about her at this post.  Everyone at Conscious Living Partnership did an outstanding job producing the expo and you’ll hear more about it after everyone winds down from the event. Continue reading