How sweet to be remembered

How sweet that an ex has put all the personal love poems he wrote to me years ago on his blog as mystical poetry.  I love being an inspiration to connect someone to something higher than they’ve ever reached. We think we go into a relationship with one idea in mind and yet it’s really only souls searching for that higher place. Sometimes we think the physical attraction means this is our soul mate, when that is merely the fuel that keeps you involved long enough to work out karma together. The feeling of Connection that people are looking for, the exhilaration of being with someone with hearts soaring, is not a function of the person you are with, but instead it is a function of your own Connection with You. 

Connie Zweig writes, “This holy longing for something transcendant, something beyond our skin-bound individuality urges us to glimpse the divine Beloved in another human being.  It guides us to teachers who offer timeless wisdom and a direction for our devotion.  And, if we learn to hold the tension of our yearning, to honor the restlessness of the soul rather than resist it, our holy longing points the way home.” If we don’t learn, then we pretend those people and events never happened in our lives and we don’t bless them for bringing us to where we are.  

Thank you, no matter how you showed up in my life. Whether you pushed me or pulled me, drained me or fueled me, loved me or left me, hurt me or helped me, you are part of my growth and no kidding, I love you and thank you for it.

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Sexuality on the Spiritual Path