A friend asks, “How many empty promises do I have to wait for?”

When the pendulum swings, it’s not about I told you so. When people finally show you who they are, it’s up to you to choose whether you want to continue to live a life of one lie and empty promise after another, or if you want better for yourself and your children.  A friend is concerned her mate is having sudden moods and bursts of anger over small things. When asked about it, he clams up or blows up.  She’s walked on eggshells for a year. Friends and family point out the red flags and have never liked him. She left her husband for this man. He said he’d divorce his wife. A year later he’s made no move to do so and he argues that he will handle it in his own way and his own time. She gave him money for a car payment he didn’t make, twice. When asked, he argued that she doesn’t trust him. She doesn’t want to hear “I told you so,” so she doesn’t talk about the situation with friends and family. She loves him and they have great sexual chemistry, but living the lie is eating her up inside.   My response? Lies do that.  Sexual chemistry aside, the fact remains that you intuitively know what is best for you and your family and you do it, period.  It’s not about avoiding “I told you so.” It’s about keeping yourself and your loved ones in as safe and loving and harmonious an environment as possible, and taking all steps necessary to make that come about.  Ask to be shown a way to morph into or out of your current relationship and you will be guided to appropriate action. Trust your intuition.