Daily Archives: April 11, 2014

My account was hacked from FB – if you get an email, just delete it

Ny account was hacked so if you got a weird email “Subject: RE: Fw: Re:” just DELETE IT without replying. It’s not a virus, you’re safe unless you click on the link. You can’t get a virus if you don’t click on the link. If you REPLY to the email, that lets them know a real person is at that address. If you just delete it without clicking the link or replying, you’ll only get a few. All passwords have been changed.  But I know how it happened. Yesterday on Facebook I went to “Settings” and chose “Download a copy of your Facebook data.”  Don’t do that!  It was going to send the data to my email account in a zip file.  It did not do that. It looks like what happened is anyone in my FB friends list that lists their email address in their Facebook info got some spam from my old AOL account.

I know it’s connected to Facebook because many of the names it went to are FB friends I don’t know and don’t have in my AOL address book. Like several friends who do not list their email address on FB yet I have in my AOL address book did not get the spam email. But on the upside I got to connect with friends and got two ads for the upcoming magazine!  There are no mistakes, ever.

RELATED: These sites tell if your account has been hacked

Take what you have and make what you want

breakfast mexicanTake what you have and make what you want! I had a good exercise in faith this morning.  I’d gone for an early walk and was closer to a friend’s home than mine when it began raining, so I dashed onto his porch.  I offered to cook breakfast in return for a ride home in the rain, since I had freshly baked potatoes.  He challenged me to make breakfast at his place.  Hmmm… upon first glance in the fridge, he had the typical bachelor ingredients: condiments,  some lettuce, almond milk, not much.  My exercise in faith was that, despite his fridge looking rather bare, there were a lot of wrapped items that could be just about anything. Fingers crossed! Continue reading