I had a dream about 10 years ago on a Thanksgiving night that all the animals I had eaten in my life were speaking to me.  Not chastising me, just kind of checking in and saying hi.  The next morning when I opened the refrigerator and saw the big turkey there, I felt such a profound sadness.  I called a bachelor friend around the corner and asked if I could donate it to him and of course he was thrilled.  I stopped eating meat for about 4 months then, but slowly went back to it.  Very odd dream.

I paint and draw when I get the time, like 9 minutes a year lately.  I enjoy music but mostly here at home I like to stay in the silence.  Two years ago I bought a 100 cd changer and have never set it up.  I get lots of free cds as review copies, and know I will have to organize the music by genre before putting them in the changer.  It seems like such a daunting task that I haven’t even begun it…   Then I would have to make a list, an index of what cd is where, so basically nothing gets done because of that.  I do sometimes turn the tv on channel 440, 441, the classicals, or 414, 415, the adult alternative music.  I haven’t listened to live music (except at church or conferences) for gosh maybe years…  I am such a workaholic…

Today I am here at the house catching up on bookkeeping while I wait for the garage door guy to come fix my door opener which twisted off the track and jammed.  I had a time Friday night undoing the bolts to release the arm so I could use the door manually.  What a trip!  I’m usually a pretty good handy man.

Eating lunch at Cali Pho toiay I saw a squirrel scamper up the Norfolk pine there and retrieve a baby who was wrapped around her neck, and she carried it over into the next lot under the fence, where she must have another nest. Then she came back and did the same thing with a second baby . It was awesome, tom and I were watching her from inside the window.

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